The Optimism of Youth

Welcome to our blog. Here we will document the work we are doing on compiling our book "The Optimism of Youth" based on Millennium Development Goal No 2 - Universal Primary Education by 2015. We are being supported in this project by Self Help Africa

Do you have a reflection on your primary school days, a poem to share, perhaps a photograph from those days? Our aim is to highlight the importance of primary education and why MDG No 2 is such a vital goal.

All contributions are welcome and can be sent to

Friday, February 12, 2010

Irish-Canadian remembers primary education in Ireland during the 1940's

We have a very interesting reflection from Brendan Munnelly,an Irish Canadian living in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
His story is a reflection of Primary school education in the 1940s at a truly national level because it takes us through his experiences in three Counties Galway, Donegal and Wexford.
Each School and teacher was significant and made a difference to his life.He has many positive memories. He says doing mental maths in 6th class was a life long skill that has served him well.
He says he hasn't considered the significance of his primary education until now when asked to do so for our Book Project.
Mrs. K.B

I thought that this extract from Brendans reflection was very interesting..........

"I will never forget the solid grounding in all the subjects given me at that little school in Donegal. And not just the schooling, I had good friends and we had a lot of fun and even a few fights. We lived in the country and there was never a shortage of things to do, building play houses, flying down hills on homemade carts. I am sure some of it was dangerous but none of us cared. We would get cuts and bruises and take them home to mum who would bandage us up and then give a scolding for being so reckless."

Oh that all children could go to school and then go home and play houses, or fly down hills on homemade carts.
Mrs L

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